DCC Chat Windows

Click on a part of the image to see a description, or scroll down to see a list:

Timestamp on/off button
Shows or hides timestamps in the output pane.
Log on/off button
Enables or disables logging. When logging is enabled, all text sent to the output pane will also be stored in a file. The filename can be configured on the logging configuration page.
Output pane
Displays your conversation, as well as other general events that occur while the query window is active. You can right-click the output pane for a popup menu.
Input line
Type a line of text here to send it over the DCC chat connection. You can use /me to perform an "action"; for example, /me grins (this is equivalent to /desc =target_nick grins). You can also use any other command here by prefixing it with a /. The up and down arrow keys scroll through your command history.

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